What division do I register my child for?
Please visit our registration info tab above to see the birth years to determine what division your child would play in.
What kind of equipment do I need?
For a detailed list of equipment, please visit the Box Lacrosse Registration or Field Lacrosse Registration pages under the Registration Info tab.
What is the time commitment like?
Our season starts towards the middle of March and continues until the end of June. If you team makes Provincials you may play until the second weekend in July. Your fees include one practice a week and all league games (approximately one per week) usually played on weekends. All teams U9 - U17 are required to participate in the Tradition Lives Tournament on the May Long Weekend. Other tournaments and practices maybe added by each individual team.
Where do we practice?
Practices are held at many facilities and fields around the City of Red Deer. The G. H. Dawe Community Arena, Kinsmen Arenas and the Collicutt Center Soccer Fields.
Where would we play games?
The RDLA is part of the Central Alberta Lacrosse League. Games will be played both in Red Deer and through out the central Alberta area. For a detailed list of our CALL members please visit centralalbertalacrosse.com.
Our 'A' teams plays out of the Greater Edmonton Lacrosse Council and Wild Rose Lacrosse League. Games will be played both in Red Deer, Edmonton & area and Calgary & area. Games will be played primarily during the week to allow for tournament play on the weekends. Some weekend games may be required.
When would my child start playing with contact?
U9 & U11 play with place and push rules. "Place and push" is defined as the defensive player may place their stick on the offensive ball carrier and push them away, there is no body checking. As your child moves into U13 and up they will play with full contact.
When does Field Lacrosse start?
The Field Lacrosse season is played in July and August, and depending on the season, some may extend into early September.
What is the Field Lacrosse commitment like?
Field Lacrosse teams have weekly practices with coaches having the option to pick up an additional second practice as they deem fit. Game play is scheduled across three to four weekend events, with each age group playing only on one day of the weekend, not both.
What is your mailing address?
P.O. Box 20018, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6X5