The Red Deer Lacrosse Association (RDLA) is grounded within a philosophical framework that guides our practice and the decisions we make in support of our membership and the sport of lacrosse. At the core of our philosophy are our mission, vision and motto.
To be the premier resource for the sport of minor box lacrosse in Central Alberta through targeted efforts to increase local expertise in the areas of coaching, team building, player development and respect within the sport.
A safe, fair and respectful lacrosse environment that encourages and supports active participation, positive effort and optimal performance at all levels within the sport of lacrosse.
Active Participation, Positive Effort, Optimal Performance.
RDLA honors and respects our opponents in competition.
RDLA honors and respects the referees and minor officials the govern our conduct during conduct during the play.
RDLA believes in the principles of fair play and respect within our sport.
RDLA believes that participation in the sport of lacrosse develops a strong mind, strong body and strong spirit.
RDLA believes that every participant has the right to participate in the sport of lacrosse equally and without discrimination.
RDLA believes that the learning and development that occurs on the journey toward winning is ultimately more valuable to participants then the actual win.
RDLA considers parents as our partners, and as members of our organization, they deserve the same respect and support provided our playing members.
RDLA believes that our coaches are important and powerful influences on the lives of our players, both within the game, and away from the game. We take this responsibility very seriously and hold our coaches to the highest standards.
Try It Night: Learn the Basics of Lacrosse
Collicutt Centre
If you are brand new to lacrosse or curious about the sport, please come to our Try It Night.
Try It Night: Learn the Basics of Lacrosse
Collicutt Centre
If you are brand new to lacrosse or curious about the sport, please come to our Try It Night.
Pre-season Floor Time
Collicutt Centre
Refresh your skills before B evaluations begin.