'A' Teams Box Lacrosse

U13 - U17

The Red Deer Chiefs 'A' teams are open to any player within the Central Alberta Lacrosse League (CALL).

Our teams play out of the following leagues:

'A' teams will practice twice a week and will play weekday games both in Red Deer and in the Calgary and Edmonton areas, with the possibility of some weekend games.

In an effort to ensure that each year the players in the U13, U15 and U17 age groups have the opportunity to try out for a responsible 'A' program, we have put in place a few guidelines to improve the experience and team from the start. 

Tryout Guidelines

Below is how RDLA will determine if we will field 'A' teams in each division. 

  1. Tryouts for all 'A' teams will be in the month of February. Registration will open December 1 and close on January 15 for all 'A' teams.
  2. There must be 25 players registered prior to the deadline defined above in each division in order for RDLA to hold tryouts. If there is not 25 players registered in a division, there will be no 'A' team for that division and refunds will be provided.
  3. All players must register for 'A' team tryouts. The tryout fee is $50. 
    • No refunds will be issued, this is a one time fee per season.
    • No player will be permitted to try out until the $50 tryout fee is paid in full.
  4. Red Deer resident players must register for the Box Season in their division as well as the 'A' team tryout in order to participate in the evaluation.
  5. Non-Red Deer residents do not register with RDLA until 'A' team player selection is made.
    • All CALL Clubs will be advised of players from their organization that intend to try out for the RDLA 'A' team prior to the start of tryouts.
  6. Each participant must attend at least two tryouts or they will not be considered for the team.
    • Please note that once a player has completed two tryouts they may be requested to not attend the remaining tryouts to allow the evaluators to better assess the remaining players in a smaller group setting.
  7. GELC and WRLL carry additional charges per player. Upon making the team an additional fee of $250.00 will be charged. This fee includes games floor charges in Calgary/Edmonton, officiating costs and two practices a week through out the this season.

Please note that once tryouts begin, the RDLA evaluation and team selection process will be followed. 

Evaluation Criteria

Goalies and players will each be evaluated on the following criteria during the 'A' tryouts.

Visit our registration page for more information or register now through the Chiefs registration portal.


Upcoming Events

Mar. 11, 2025 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

U15 Team Selections
Collicutt East

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Mar. 11, 2025 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

U17 Team Selections
Collicutt East

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Mar. 13, 2025 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

U15 Team Selections
Collicutt East

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